“Anyone else constantly losing their voice?”

If you're straining or pushing your voice to get through the workday, you're not alone. 

Educators talk a lot, and healing and protecting your voice can feel harder than getting students to focus while it's snowing.

Luckily, there's something you can do about it.



What’s the biggest difference between an educator who can spend the day teaching six class periods, cheering at a spirit assembly, attending an IEP meeting, coaching a soccer game, and still arrive home with enough energy and voice left to FaceTime their sister and read to their kids before bed…

…and one who strains to croak out instructions, loses their voice by the end of the day, and ends up eating questionable deli meat and a handful of crushed pretzels for dinner because they’re absolutely exhausted from talking?

If you guessed resting your voice every weekend as the best way to heal & protect it, you’d be wrong.

And if you guessed…

  • guzzling gallons of water and hot tea (sometimes with that bourbon shot!)…
  • stocking up on bulk bags of cough drops and lozenges
  • resorting to only whispering to force students to listen
  • or just "pushing through” hoping for stamina…

You’d still be wrong.

Here’s the thing:

Your voice is your livelihood.

Let me know if this sounds familiar:

  • You became an educator because you deeply care about students’ learning.
  • You spend time after school, on weekends, and over the summer thinking of new ways to make your class more engaging, memorable, and fun.
  • You talk about teaching all the time. (And even if you’re not talking about teaching…you’re thinking about it.)

You have everything in place to support student learning, so things should be going smoothly.

But it’s not quite working out that way.


  • You struggle to make your voice heard more than ever.
  • Deal with an aching throat more than ever.
  • Cancel more date nights, hikes with friends, and family events more than ever…

And worry about things like…

  • ...will they renew my contract next year if I take another day off to rest my voice?
  • …are my students hearing what they need to?
  • …is teaching actually a sustainable career for me?



As an educator who cares deeply about students, 

you deserve  to enjoy a long career


Education is critically important work. 

But you shouldn’t have to sacrifice your voice for your career.

You deserve to use your voice effectively in both your professional and personal life. You shouldn’t have to miss out on singing along with your favorite band at a concert simply because you chose to teach math and used up your voice teaching fractions.

You deserve to know EXACTLY how to care for your voice so you’re not stuck using your breaks and precious PTO days for vocal rest. You shouldn’t have to pantomime your drink order at the swim-up bar or play charades with the server at the sushi restaurant you’ve been dying to try.

You deserve to feel energized by the career you love. You shouldn’t have to teeter on the brink of burnout because your throat won’t stop hurting and you’re tired of sounding like a five-pack-a-day smoker more days than not

You deserve to live your life more fully by having enough voice for work AND for the people and activities you love.

The bottom line? 

You deserve to use your voice without losing it.


3 Truths to Understand Right Now If You Want to Heal & Protect Your Voice



The good news is…

Caring for your voice is easier than ever

If you've made it this far, you ALREADY know protecting your voice is critical if you want to teach effectively & enjoy a career in education.

But maybe you didn’t know that by enhancing your natural voice power using the holistic, proactive tools I’m about to share with you, you’ll also:

  • Care for the health, power, and clarity of your speaking voice with evidence-based, effective voice exercises
  • Effectively lead your classroom & improve student learning with your clear, reliable, vibrant voice
  • Minimize overuse and maximize strategic use of your voice so you can have a long career doing what you love
  • Communicate with more ease and less fatigue so you can get through the workweek with voice left over for non-work activities
And if you’re still with me, I am incredibly excited to introduce you to…

Voice Health & Speaking Power for Educators is the first program created by an expert Speech-Voice Pathologist and designed for the unique voice needs of educators.

You’ll learn exactly how to improve your voice quickly and protect it long term – no matter your grade level or content area.


3 Ways Voice Health & Speaking Power for Educators Will Optimize Your Vocal Health

  • 5 Core Modules designed to help you preempt bad voice days, learn the keys to your best voice, and form habits that give you consistent results. Go at your own pace – each lesson is less than 15 minutes. If you do one lesson per day, you’ll be finished in about a month and a half.
  • Bonus Resources that bust common voice myths and mindsets that might be holding you back from your healthiest voice.
  • Community + Live Q+A Sessions so you can meet & support other educators focused on voice health and get trustworthy advice from a Speech-Voice Pathologist.

The result?

An easy-to-follow voice health roadmap that gives you everything you need to care for your voice so you can teach all day and have enough voice to do what you love after work.

It's time to confidently care for your voice.

Here's what's included in Voice Health & Speaking Power for Educators:



Learn when it's convenient for you with bite-sized lessons with a no-fluff guarantee


Ask Brienne your questions
and learn from other
educators caring for their


Practice easy-to-follow exercises designed to be done any time, anywhere--no gym membership required


Practice caring for your physical voice and your intuitive inner voice with simple mindset and mindfulness work


Easily follow along with lessons and track your progress with your step-by-step digital workbook


Meet other vocal athletes who talk all day and understand the practical struggles of accessing your best voice

I'm in!


Voice Health & Speaking Power for Educators

Your voice is essential for both your personal and professional life. It's time to optimize your voice health with easy-to-do strategies & exercises.

  • Video Lessons
  • Comprehensive Workbook
  • Audio Meditations
  • Breath practices
  • Community of Vocal Athletes
  • Vocal Exercises
  • Bonus Expert Trainings
  • Mindset 101
  • The most common factors impacting voice
  • Tips on GI issues, sinuses, sleep apnea, drying medications
  • Body movement for stress management & balance
  • Mindful, simple on-the-go body stretches
  • Live Q&A sessions with Brienne


I'm Brienne Hennessy (she/her/hers).



With a background as a Speech-Voice Pathologist with 14 years of clinical experience and 50+ public speaking appearances, I guide educators, executives, entrepreneurs and speakers to communicate with more clarity, stamina and ease, enhance their power and presence, and activate their voice to function without fatigue or strain. When you listen to, and speak with alignment from your intuitive inner voice, your natural vibrant voice shines! You are heard more effectively, your message and mission are amplified. 

I am passionate about supporting those who require their voices to do their jobs (Vocal Athletes!), I believe that preventative care of our voices is just as crucial as the preventative care of the rest of our bodies! When you conquer voice fatigue, elevate your voice wellness & tune into your Divine inner voice, you achieve more resonance, impact and influence with your audience. Optimizing your voice function and capabilities increases your potential for communicative influence across professional and personal realms. 

Founder, Your Vocal Vitality, L.L.C. and Creator of Empower Your Voice program. Prior workplace experience including Emory Voice Center, Vocology Institute, Vanderbilt Voice Center, UW- Madison Voice & Swallow Clinics. Invited speaker at the local, state and national levels, published author and mom to an incredible daughter.

"I'm very grateful my voice is not a concern.

I have been substitute teaching in addition to coaching. 

If it wasn't for you, I would have no idea how to speak to the back of the room.

I'm very grateful that my voice is not a concern. You're such a gift."

- BETH R. 

The Lesson Plan for

Your Vibrant Voice


Here's what inside

Welcome + Introduction

You’ll immediately experience the mindsets and methods unique to the Voice Health & Speaking Power for Educators model. 

You’ll be empowered to start thinking about your voice in an entirely new way while adopting habits designed to carry you towards your healthy, optimized voice. 


  • Use breath practice to become present and set your intention for your voice health journey 
  • Prioritize yourself by uncovering your why and letting go of what’s not serving you through mindful reflection and journaling
  • Create your own manageable, realistic daily Homeplay routine to set a strong foundation and start seeing results as soon as possible

What Your Voice Needs Most

You’ll start out learning the basics of voice anatomy and see vocal folds in action.

Throughout Module 2, you’ll implement practical strategies to soothe your voice and boost your vocal hygiene. 


  • Bust some commonly-held breath myths, like why you can’t actually breathe ‘from your diaphragm’, and learn breath practices to support  your voice and overall wellness
  • Learn strategic voice use delegation, how to soothe and take care of your voice (it’s more than ‘drink water daily’)
  • Exercise and condition your voice to create your most optimal function and natural sound 
  • Determine if adding a portable microphone to your teaching setting makes sense for you

The Key to Your Best Voice

The vagus nerve plays a crucial role in maintaining both your physical and mental health. It helps you regulate your voice, your upper airway for breathing control, and your ability to find a sense of ease and relaxation.

In Module 3, you’ll learn how your voice and breathing can be affected when your vagus nerve is tweaked by a stress response + what you can do to mitigate that effect. 


  • Discover how stress-related changes can affect your voice both physically and psychologically 
  • Prime yourself to reduce the potential effects of stress on your voice 
  • Stretch your neck, chest, sides, and upper back to open your upper body and find places to feel relaxed and expansive
  • Wake up the breath in your body with the Breath of Fire and extended exhale
  • Play with vocal warm-ups (they’re not just for the stage!)

Healing Your Voice

Your voice is a barometer that can signal important information to you.   

When you’re focused on healing your voice, you need to align to both your physical voice and your intuitive inner voice. 


  • Use vocal tips to triage symptoms like a little scratch at the back of your throat  
  • Learn the hoarseness rule of thumb so you can confidently determine if you need to seek additional help or if you can manage your symptoms at home
  • Recall your “why” that started you on this journey and create your own affirmation to encourage stronger, more aligned mind-body connection
  • Leverage the Power of Pause, vocal choices, and warming up your voice to supercharge your speaking power for your lessons and presentations 

How to Play the Long & Smart Game

When you focus on voice health, you not only benefit your voice–you also benefit your students and your overall communication.

When you create more stamina, vitality, and ease in your voice, it’s easier for students to hear and understand what you have to say. 


  • Make small changes to enhance your classroom acoustics and reduce the reverb, like closing windows or adding carpets
  • Implement simple strategies, like using non-verbal cues and reducing fragrances, to protect your airway and voice 
  • Use a mindfulness breath and integration practice to enhance your wellbeing and balance
  • Feel more reliability in your voice and speak in your most powerful and natural way 

Voice Health & Speaking Power for Educators helps you heal and protect your voice in less time than it takes to update grades.

Let's get you started!

You get instant lifetime access to all course materials, so you can start caring for your voice right away and revisit the lessons as often as you'd like. 


Elevate your learning with exciting extras

Thoughtfully designed to support your success

  • BONUS 17 “Voice Myths, Busted!” lessons so you can ditch outdated advice and focus on the strategies and techniques that will truly help you heal and protect your voice
  • BONUS 2 → “Why Microphone Use Saves the Day” case study to help you determine if adding a microphone to your teaching routine is right for you
  • BONUS 3 → Guest expert sessions that explore the power of mindset and give you practical resources to shift your perspective and move toward your highest vibration

With a better voice and voice health, I will be a stronger, more sought-after teacher/storyteller." 


"Our voice is our job!"

Teacher & Camp Counselor

“I wish I’d known this sooner!”


Questions your fellow educators asked before saying "yes" to healing & protecting their voices



You’re ready to optimize your voice health if…

Let's get you started!
  1. You’re a newer educator who wants to protect your voice so you can teach for the long haul. 
  2. You’re a veteran educator who’s tired of dealing with symptoms like scratchiness, squeakiness, and fatigue and wants to optimize your voice health once and for all. 
  3. You’ve been looking for voice resources designed specifically for educators and the realities of teaching. 
  4. You’re open to learning new ways of using both your physical and intuitive voice to enhance your wellness.
  5. You’ve already tried all the home remedies in attempt to heal your voice and are ready for a different approach designed by an expert.
  6. You’re tired of missing out on activities you love because you’ve lost your voice or feel exhausted from speaking.
  7. You’re looking forward to busting voice myths and focusing on the exercises, strategies, and mindsets that actually work. 
  8. You’re excited to have a plan to care for your voice so you can continue the career you love.  
  9. You feel confident grabbing your login knowing you’ll unlock on-demand lessons plus live Q&A support with Brienne. 

If you checked off at least 6 of 9 items above,
we are eager to see you inside Voice Health & Speaking Power for Educators.


By now, you already know healing and protecting your voice is one of the keys to continuing your career in education.

So if you’re still here…let’s talk openly.

If you’re an educator who deals with losing your voice or unwanted symptoms like squeaking or cutting out…you need Voice Health & Speaking Power for Educators.

If you plan to stay in education for several more years and want to protect your voice…you need Voice Health & Speaking Power for Educators.

If you feel like you need to just “push through” or care for others before you care for yourself…you need Voice Health & Speaking Power for Educators.

If you’ve missed out on activities with family or friends because you just didn’t have the voice or energy…you need Voice Health & Speaking Power for Educators.

If you’re ready, we look forward to partnering with you so you can care for and effectively use your clear, reliable, vibrant voice professionally AND personally.